

Research on Queue Length Estimation Method of Signalized Intersection Based on Intelligent Connected Environment
摘要 为了能够计算信号交叉口的动态排队长度,基于排队论模拟车辆排队与消散,建立信号交叉口动态排队长度计算模型。首先,根据排队长度的定义来界定本文所计算的排队长度;其次,将车辆排队过程视为车辆在遇前方有固定物时的减速停车过程,以此来描述排队行为并建立车辆排队模型;然后,根据改进的Kraus模型及车辆位移公式,计算每辆车的到达率,并通过到达率计算排队车辆数及排队长度;最后,基于sumo仿真平台,进行模拟仿真实验。结果表明,本文基于改进的Kraus模型建立的排队长度模型,可以提高计算信号交叉口排队长度的准确度。 In order to calculate the dynamic queue length of a signalized intersection, vehicle queuing and dis-sipation were simulated based on the queue theory, and the calculation model of the dynamic queue length of a signalized intersection was established. Firstly, the queue length calculated in this paper is defined according to the definition of queue length. Secondly, the queuing process is regarded as the process of slowing down and stopping when the vehicle meets the fixed object in front, which describes the queuing behavior and establishes the queuing model of the vehicle. Then, according to the improved Kraus model and vehicle displacement formula, the arrival rate of each vehicle is calculated, and the number and length of queuing vehicles are calculated through the arrival rate. Finally, simulation experiments are carried out based on the sumo simulation platform. The results show that the queue length model based on the improved Kraus model can accurately calculate the queue length of the signalized intersection.
出处 《计算机科学与应用》 2023年第12期2528-2535,共8页 Computer Science and Application
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