
跨国河流利用中公平利用原则和不造成重大损害原则的关系 被引量:1

The Relationship between the Principle of Equitable Utilization and the Principle of No Major Damage in Terms of the Utilization of Transnational Rivers
摘要 公平合理利用原则(公平利用原则)和不造成重大损害原则的关系一直是国际法学界争论的焦点。本文通过分析两个原则的矛盾,结合重要国际法文件及判例得出结论:公平利用原则优先于禁止重大损害原则,后者是衡量一项国际河流开发活动是否公平合理的重要因素,是在公平合理利用的前提下对水道国国际法义务的强调。公平利用原则优先性的确立对于国际水法法律框架的构建以及有效解决国际水争端具有重要意义,且有利于我国对跨国河流的合理利用。 Therelationship between the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization (thePrinciple of Fair Utilization) and the Principle of No Major Damage has alwaysbeen the focus of debate in the field of international law. By analyzing thecontradiction between the two principles, combined with important internationallaw documents and precedents, this paper comes to the conclusion that thePrinciple of Equitable Utilization takes precedence over the Principle of NoMajor Damage. The latter is an important factor to measure whether aninternational river development activity is fair and reasonable, and emphasizesthe obligations of watercourse states in international law on the Premise ofEquitable and Reasonable Utilization. The establishment of the priority of thePrinciple of Equitable Utilization is of great significance for theconstruction of the legal framework of international water law and theeffective settlement of international water disputes and is conducive to therational utilization of transnational rivers in China.
作者 邓紫恂
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《争议解决》 2021年第4期129-136,共8页 Dispute Settlement
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