The development of Internet financepromotes the development of e-commerce. Traditional payment methods can nolonger adapt to this new change and meet people’s consumption needs. Theemergence of third-party payment is an inevitable outcome when e-commercedevelops to a certain stage. However, third-party payment is based on Internettechnology. In the process of transaction, there are payment security problems,consumer information protection problems and precipitation fund managementproblems. This paper will start with the concept of third-party payment,discuss the problems in the process of third-party payment, analyze the currentlegal supervision system of third-party payment in China, and analyze therelevant legal problems of Internet financial third-party payment under thebackground of the Internet finance. Suggestions are put forward to improve theaccess and exit mechanism of the third-party payment market, promote theprotection of consumer rights and interests and improve the legislative levelof the third-party payment.
Dispute Settlement