Online arbitration is a kind ofdispute settlement method, which uses technology to transfer the traditionalarbitration procedure to the Internet. It is undeniable that online arbitrationsolves the problem of procedure stagnationand case backlog by virtue of its non-contact characteristic, ushered inthe vigorous development opportunity. However, there are also some legalchallenges in the process of online arbitration, such as risk of undue process,confidentiality, and difficulty in maintaining the order of online arbitration.But these legal challenges cannot deny the legitimacy of online arbitrationitself, nor can they prevent it from being an effective means of disputeresolution in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. In order to cope with the legalchallenges in the theoretical and practical aspects, the online arbitrationsystem shall be steadily promoted and improved in terms of safeguarding theright for the parties and lawyers to fully present themselves in onlinearbitration so as to safeguard due process. Also, the rules of seat of onlinearbitration shall be determined and confidentiality of online arbitrationshould be paid attention to.
Dispute Settlement