When no one picks up the cargo at theport of destination, the carrier will face huge losses such as overduecontainer usage fee, handling fee, terminal storage fee and arrival freight,etc. The carrier has the right to claim from the shipper after sufferinglosses, however, the issue of whether the actual shipper under FOB conditionscan become the subject of responsibility for the relevant costs iscontroversial. This article starts from the dilemma of identifying the subjectof responsibility for the relevant costs when no one picks up the goods at theport of destination under FOB conditions and its causes, and then analyzes theactual shipper is generally exempted from the responsibility of paying freightunder Article 69 and the responsibility of paying other costs under Article 88of the Maritime Law from the perspective of jurisprudence;however, there areexceptions when the actual shipper is also the contracting shipper, when theactual shipper holds the bill of lading and actually picks up the goods, whenthe actual shipper is named as the bill of lading shipper and the contractingshipper is difficult to determine in practice, the actual shipper shall pay thefreight and other reasonable costs recovered by the carrier.
Dispute Settlement