In the era of climate change, climate and trade are increasingly integrated. Multilateral agreements on climate change have lim-ited effect, and many countries have adopted unilateral climate response measures. These unilat-eral climate measures inevitably involve trade, and in fact have the dual attributes of climate and trade measures. The carbon border adjustment mechanism launched by the EU in 2021 is a typical representative of climate trade measures. As a unilateral trade measure, it must comply with the existing WTO mechanism. By defining the legal nature of the carbon border adjustment mechanism and analyzing its compatibility with the WTO general exceptions, it can be concluded that the mechanism will likely violate the WTO’s national treatment rules, and it is difficult to obtain ex-emptions through the general exceptions. Although the EU will face the challenge of the existing WTO mechanism, the climate trade era is facing the reform of the rules of the trade game, which is an opportunity for the EU to master the rule-making power.
Dispute Settlement