The policy of extra points for ethnic minorities in the college entrance examination has caused social controversy after the occurrence of social phenomena such as “college entrance examination immi-gration”, but in the field of legal research, the policy has a clear constitutional basis in essence. In terms of doctrine, the practice of using positive means to achieve equality against special groups as affirmative action, and it is usually the embodiment of the value of law. In addition, the policy of ex-tra points for the college entrance examination of ethnic minorities allows people to face the ine-quality of their own and others’ right to education, which will lead to conflicts of basic rights. To re-solve the controversy caused by this policy, it is necessary to explore its rationality from the rele-vant theory of the constitutional substantive equality. First of all, from the range of corrective measures discussed by scholars to evaluate how the policy of extra points in ethnic minority areas applies strict review criteria. Second, in the constitutional theory system, the constitutionality review system can supervise the standards for the formulation of relevant regulatory documents. Third, in recent years, the policy has gradually reduced the range of corrective measures on the ba-sis of guaranteeing the right to development of ethnic minorities corresponding with the provisions of the Constitution. Finally, the adjustment of the policy’s correction range reflects the continuous transformation of the political and constitutional concept with the development of society.
Dispute Settlement