As an online dispute resolution form, the concept of ODR can be divided into narrow sense and broad sense. In the narrow sense, ODR refers to extrajudicial ADR;broadly speaking, ODR is divided into out of court ODR (non judicial ODR) and court ODR (judicial ODR). As far as the current situation of ODR practice in China is concerned, adopting the broad con-cept of ODR is more in line with the reality. Among them, the autonomy of non judicial ODR means that some parts of the ODR system are at risk of being out of the control of national “data sover-eignty”, while the existence of judicial ODR provides a possibility for both sides to connect. As one of the subjects exercising state power, the judiciary should be the media under the framework of ODR’s return to China’s “data sovereignty” and build a bridge between the autonomy of ODR and state control.
Dispute Settlement