

Protection of the Bona Fide Third Party in Conspire Hypocritical Act
摘要 《民法典》第一百四十六条第一款规定通谋虚伪表示无效,但是并未规定通谋虚伪表示于善意第三人之效力如何,比较法上涉及善意第三人之保护有两种规范模式(即绝对无效与相对无效模式),但此两种规范模式与《民法典》之规定并不相符,无法直接适用,不妨在解释上认为:通谋虚伪表示在表意人之间固然发生绝对无效的法律后果,但对于表意人之外的第三人而言,并非发生绝对无效的法律效果,应视第三人信赖基础之不同而发生不同的法律后果,换言之,可在物之归属方面,该虚伪表示的无效,可以对抗善意第三人,善意第三人之保护适用物权编善意取得制度;在债权取得之方面,该虚伪表示的无效不得对抗善意第三人,法条适用上可以适用《民法典》第七百六十三条及其类推适用;在某些情形中债权人之保护以及其他善意第三人之保护方面,应结合信赖保护原则及分则中的具体规定而视情况予以保护。另外,物之归属方面,善意第三人之“善意”应同于物权编善意取得制度之“善意”,在债权取得、某些情形中债权人之保护以及其他需保护之善意第三人之“善意”,应当排除明知和因重大过失而不知的情形。 Article 146(1) of the Civil Code stipulates that a simulated act is invalid, but does not stipulate the effect of a simulated act on a bona fide third party. There are two normative modes concerning the protection of bona fide third party in comparative law (absolute invalidity and relative invalidity mode), but these two normative modes are inconsistent with the provisions of the Civil Code and cannot be directly applied. It may be in-terpreted as follows: Of course, absolutely invalid legal consequences will occur between ideogra-phers in a simulated act, but for third parties other than ideographers, such legal effects will not be absolutely invalid. Different legal consequences will occur depending on the trust basis of the third party. In other words, in terms of the ownership of things, the invalidity of the simulated can be op-posed to a bona fide third party. The protection of bona fide third party applies to the bona fide ac-quisition system;In the aspect of the acquisition of creditor’s rights, the invalidity of the simulated shall not be against a bona fide third party, and Article 763 of the Civil Code and its analogies may be applied in the application of law;The protection of creditors and other bona fide third parties in certain circumstances shall be subject to the circumstances in accordance with the specific provi-sions of the Principle of Reliance Protection and the Provisions. In addition, the “bona fide” of a bona fide third party shall be the same as the “bona fide” of the system of bona fide acquisition of real rights. In the acquisition of creditor’s rights, the protection of creditors in some cases, and the “bona fide” of other bona fide third parties who need protection, the circumstances of knowing or not knowing due to gross negligence shall be excluded.
作者 郑娜
出处 《争议解决》 2023年第1期120-126,共7页 Dispute Settlement
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