Deep linking enables users to obtain the linked works directly from the websites where embedding links set up, which essentially replaces the works provided by the licensee and the copyright owner and damages the interests of the copyright owner. The “server rule” standard is based on the “new dissemina-tion source” theory, which is derived from physical definition of “communication source”, ignoring the significance of copyright law in regulating interactive dissemination behaviors. This standard does not consider the purpose and effect of the technology;therefore, all acts of providing deep links cannot constitute direct infringement of the right of information network communication. This violates the technology-neutral principle of WCT. The characterization of the act of setting up links should examine the economic effects of different acts of link utilization and distinguish between the act of technical intermediation and the act of providing works. The social benefits generated by the act of linking for the purpose of providing works mainly originate from the copyright owner;there-fore, this kind of deep linking behaviour should constitute an act of information network communi-cation. The implied license system and the fair use system can effectively regulate the adverse effects brought about by the expansion of information network communication rights.
Dispute Settlement