《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership,以下简称“CPTPP”)作为全球投资服务贸易行业中具备最高水平的新一代国际经贸投资规则,其成员国均采用服务贸易与投资一体化的负面清单管理模式就是典型特征之一,其引领着全球贸易和投资规则的未来发展方向。从我国首次加入RCEP的负面清单实践来看,仍然与CPTPP差距较大。本文通过比较CPTPP各成员国负面清单的特点及差异,来分析若我国加入CPTPP将在谈判负面清单方面面临何种困境,以及应采取何种策略,确立何种目标,包括我国在RCEP项下负面清单与CPTPP成员国负面清单相比存在何种差距,这些都将对我国在未来双边或多边区域投资服务贸易协定谈判中推进负面清单模式,争取构建更加完善的负面清单体系有一定的启示作用。
The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), as a new genera-tion of international economic and trade investment rules with the highest level in the global in-vestment service trade industry, is a typical feature, and its member countries all adopt the nega-tive list management mode of service trade and investment integration, which leads the future de-velopment direction of global trade and investment rules. Judging from the negative list practice of joining RCEP for the first time in China, there is still a big gap with CPTPP. By comparing the char-acteristics and differences of negative lists of CPTPP member countries, this paper analyzes what difficulties China will face in negotiating negative lists if it joins CPTPP, what strategies should be adopted, and what goals should be set, including the gap between China’s negative lists under RCEP and those of CPTPP member countries, which will have certain enlightenment for China to promote the negative list model in future bilateral or multilateral regional investment service trade agree-ment negotiations and strive to build a more perfect negative list system.
Dispute Settlement