The formal interpretation theory believes that the “other methods” of this crime only include methods of physical damage, while the substantive interpretation theory advocates exploring the scope of “other methods” based on the legal interests protected by this crime, and believes that other methods include all methods that infringe on the legal interests of this crime. There are obvious shortcomings in both formal and substantive explanations. The formal interpretive theory is too conservative, which can easily lead to a disconnection between this crime and reality, while the substantive interpretive theory blurs the applicable boundary of this crime, which will lead to the risk of “pocketing”. The accurate definition of “other methods” for this crime should first be interpreted in the same way, and then judged and verified in conjunction with the legal interests protected by this crime. The “other methods” of this crime are not limited to the destruction of tangible force, nor do they include all methods other than the description of the crime, but rather refer to methods that destroy the utility attributes of production and operation materials or tools. Therefore, the means of “reverse brushing” and destroying computer information systems can be considered as methods of this crime.
Dispute Settlement