Trademark parody is commonly seen in the field of well-known trademarks, for well-known trademarks, they belong to a part of social culture. Not only do trademark owners use well-known trademarks to showcase their uniqueness, but the public also use them as a tool for expressing their ideas. Therefore, the evaluation of trademark behavior needs to balance the conflict between the private symbol property rights of the trademark owner and the public’s freedom of speech and expression, that is, the public interest. The legal evaluation of trademark parody still cannot break away from the existing trademark law evaluation system in China. Firstly, it is necessary to determine whether the use is trademark based, and secondly, use confusion theory and dilution theory to determine whether it may constitute trademark infringement or dilution of well-known trademarks. This article intends to analyze the legal and cultural nature of trademark parody from both internal and external cases and make evaluations and judgment steps for it.
Dispute Settlement