冷冻胚胎属于人类辅助生殖技术的范畴,对其定性和处置牵涉到医学、伦理、法律等领域的诸多问题,具有相当的复杂性,为解决冷冻胚胎纠纷无法得到合理解决、司法裁判不一的问题,首先要求明确冷冻胚胎的性质。其次,冷冻胚胎处置的纠纷主要集中在胚胎的移植和返还,本文通过对美国法三种处置模式进行分析,尝试以“原则 规则”的形式构建冷冻胚胎处置纠纷的解决框架,为司法实践提供进路。
Frozen embryos belong to the category of human assisted reproductive technology. Their characterization and disposal involve many issues in the fields of medicine, ethics, law, etc., which are quite complex. In order to solve the problem of frozen embryo disputes that cannot be reasonably resolved and judicial decisions are inconsistent, first of all, it is required to clarify the nature of frozen embryos. Secondly, disputes over the disposal of frozen embryos mainly focus on the transplantation and return of embryos. This article analyzes the three disposal models in U.S. law and attempts to construct a resolution framework for disputes over the disposal of frozen embryos in the form of “principles rules” to provide guidance for judicial practice road.
Dispute Settlement