2020年,《民法典》引入居住权,标志着我国用益物权制度的进步。但关于居住权的设立方式及生效时间,法律条款尚显简略,这在一定程度上给司法实践带来了挑战。文章旨在细化此问题,探讨意定居住权设立的具体方式与生效要件,并主张设立法定居住权,为居住权制度的完善及司法实践提供指导。In 2020, the “Civil Code” introduced the right of habitation, marking progress in China’s system of beneficial ownership rights. However, the provisions on the establishment and effective time of the right of habitation are still rather brief, to some extent, which brings challenges to judicial practice. This paper aims to clarify this issue, discussing specific ways of establishing the intentional right of habitation and its conditions for taking effect, advocating the establishment of a statutory right of habitation, and providing guidance for the improvement of the right of habitation system and judicial practice.
Dispute Settlement