

A Review of Research on Cultivating Organizational Resilience in the Context of Digital Transformation
摘要 在这个飞速变化的数字化时代,市场环境诡谲莫测,各种机遇蜂拥而至,产业如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,但是随之而来的各种风险也不容小觑。在这个背景下,创造出优秀绩效的企业都拥有一种特殊的能力,即数字化转型背景下的组织韧性。组织韧性作为企业在危机情境下有效应对危机冲击并实现持续成长与繁荣的特殊能力,已成为企业在飞速发展变化的环境下实现可持续发展的关键。组织韧性作为一个新兴的概念,一经提出就受到广大学者的热烈讨论,发展迅速。但是也正因其概念较为新颖,导致国内外对其的研究成果较少,且大多数都聚焦于常规典型环境下,对数字化转型的背景下的组织韧性培育的研究更加缺乏。本文基于数字化转型的时代背景,结合VUCA环境,聚焦于企业组织韧性的培育,通过对韧性的概念进行分析梳理,定性分析韧性对企业的影响以及如何利用数字化技术培养企业韧性展开,并辅以定量分析,提出以下几点观点:数字化转型可以正向调节社会资本,激发企业内部创新和创造力,提高组织的抗风险能力,从而加强企业韧性的塑造,旨在为企业在数字化转型中韧性的培养提供实用的指导和建议。 In this rapidly changing digital era, the market environment is unpredictable, and various opportunities are flooding in. The industry is flourishing like mushrooms after rain, but the various risks that come with it cannot be underestimated. In this context, companies that create excellent performance possess a special ability, namely organizational resilience in the context of digital transformation. Organizational resilience, as a special ability for enterprises to effectively respond to crisis impacts and achieve sustained growth and prosperity in crisis situations, has become the key to achieving sustainable development in a rapidly changing environment. Organizational resilience, as an emerging concept, has been hotly discussed by scholars since its inception and has developed rapidly. However, due to its relatively novel concept, there have been few research results on it both domestically and internationally, and most of them have focused on typical conventional environments. There is a lack of research on cultivating organizational resilience in the context of digital transformation. This article is based on the era background of digital transformation, combined with the VUCA environment, focusing on the cultivation of organizational resilience in enterprises. Through analyzing and sorting out the concept of resilience, qualitative analysis is conducted on the impact of resilience on enterprises and how to use digital technology to cultivate enterprise resilience. With quantitative analysis, the following viewpoints are proposed: digital transformation can positively regulate social capital, stimulate internal innovation and creativity, improve organizational risk resistance, and strengthen the shaping of enterprise resilience. The aim is to provide practical guidance and suggestions for the cultivation of resilience in enterprises in digital transformation.
作者 陈玥
出处 《电子商务评论》 2024年第3期5203-5211,共9页 E-Commerce Letters
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