随着电子商务的迅猛发展和消费者生活节奏的加快,电子商务已成为推动食品产业创新的关键力量。预制菜作为一种新兴的食品形态,以其便捷性和多样性,正逐渐成为现代家庭和年轻消费群体的新宠。本文旨在深入探讨电子商务背景下预制菜产业的发展现状、面临的挑战以及未来的发展趋势。通过对现有文献的综合分析和市场数据的实证研究,为相关企业和政策制定者提供了决策参考。With the rapid development of e-commerce and the accelerated pace of life of consumers, e-commerce has become a key force to promote innovation in the food industry. As an emerging food form, with its convenience and diversity, prepared dishes are gradually becoming the new favorites of modern families and young consumer groups. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in depth the development status, challenges and future development trends of the prepared dish industry under the background of e-commerce. Through the comprehensive analysis of existing literature and empirical research on market data, it provides decision-making reference for relevant enterprises and policy makers.
E-Commerce Letters