农村电商在数字化转型与升级的时代浪潮下,通过现代信息技术与农村经济的持续深度融合,在成为乡村振兴新引擎的道路上持续发力。推进中国式现代化,必须坚定不移筑牢农业基础,不断提升乡村产业发展水平,在科技和改革的共同驱动下,农村电商还推动了农村信息化进程,缩小了城乡数字鸿沟,为农民增收致富搭建有效渠道,农村电商日益成为推动乡村振兴的重要力量。在此基础上,通过分析我国农村电商发展存在的基础设施不完善、专业人才短缺、品牌建设和政策支持不足的问题,探索农村电商高质量发展路径。Under the wave of digital transformation and upgrading, rural e-commerce continues to make efforts on the road to becoming a new engine for rural revitalization through the continuous and deep integration of modern information technology and rural economy. Driven by science and technology and reform, rural e-commerce has also promoted the process of rural informatization, narrowed the digital divide between urban and rural areas, and built an effective channel for farmers to increase their income and get rich, and rural e-commerce has increasingly become an important force in promoting rural revitalization. On this basis, by analyzing the problems of imperfect infrastructure, shortage of professional talents, insufficient brand building and policy support in the development of rural e-commerce in China, the high-quality development path of rural e-commerce is explored.
E-Commerce Letters