乌卡时代下,市场环境愈加复杂多变、模糊难测,对电商企业管理提出了新的挑战与要求。个体角色绩效作为一种在不确定性和相互依存背景下的积极行为,引起了学界和业界的广泛关注。本文从领导反馈行为出发,基于社会信息加工理论及社会认同理论,纳入工作重塑和个体–组织匹配两个因素,构建了理论模型以探究上级发展性反馈影响员工个体角色绩效的内在机制。通过对301份电商企业员工数据进行SPSS层次回归分析和Process中介效应检验,结果发现,上级发展性反馈正向影响员工个体角色绩效,工作重塑在其间发挥积极的中介作用,同时个体–组织匹配不仅正向调节上级发展性反馈与工作重塑的关系,而且正向调节了上级发展性反馈通过工作重塑对员工个体角色绩效的间接影响。本文揭开了上级发展性反馈影响个体角色绩效过程机制的“黑箱”,也为电商企业在组织管理中有效提升员工个体角色绩效提供了启发与指导。The market environment is growing more complicated and unpredictable in the VUCA era, which presents new demands and challenges for company management. Enhancing an individual’s in-role performance is crucial for increasing an organization’s market competitiveness since it is a positive behavior in an uncertain and interdependent environment. In order to thoroughly explore the intrinsic mechanism by which supervisors’ developmental feedback affects employees’ in-role performance, this paper builds a moderated mediation model based on social information processing theory and social identity theory, starting from leadership feedback behavior and incorporating two factors: job crafting and person-organization fit. Through SPSS hierarchical regression analysis and process mediation effect test on 301 e-commerce employees’ data, it was found that supervisor developmental feedback positively affects employees’ in-role performance, with job crafting playing a positive mediating role, and person-organization fit not only positively moderating the relationship between supervisor developmental feedback and job crafting, but also positively moderating the indirect effect of job crafting. This study delves into the “black box” of the process mechanism of supervisor developmental feedback affecting in-role performance, and it gives inspiration and guidance for e-commerce enterprises looking to effectively improve individual employee role performance in organizational management.
E-Commerce Letters