信息化建设是传统计算机与互联网技术高速发展并融合的产物,现阶段已经成为引领产业创新的决定性技术手段。随着信息技术的快速发展,企业信息化已成为现代企业发展的重要标志。然而,在信息化过程中,消费者知情权的实现与保障问题等日益凸显。本文将从消费企业信息化管理中消费者知情权的影响因素以及实现与保障消费者知情权的策略三个方面进行探讨。Information construction is the product of the rapid development and integration of traditional computer and Internet technology, and has become the decisive technical means to lead industrial innovation at this stage. With the rapid development of information technology, enterprise informatization has become an important symbol of modern enterprise development. However, in the process of informatization, the realization and protection of consumers’ right to know have become increasingly prominent. This article will explore the influencing factors of consumers’ right to know in the information management of consumer enterprises, as well as the strategies for realizing and safeguarding consumers’ right to know.
E-Commerce Letters