数据爬取行为的实质是一种从互联网获取、提炼和保存信息的自动化程序,应当遵守技术中立原则。一旦发生技术滥用,恶意爬取行为将会导致计算机系统信息系统安全以及数据所附价值产生风险。当前刑法规制存在保护法益不清、违法判断不明以及刑法前置问题。数据爬取行为的刑法规制应当明确其法益为数据承载信息的实质价值,而非载体安全;以整体法秩序为违法判断标准,合理定罪量刑;坚持刑法谦抑性原则,建立刑法为保障法的保护体系。在规制网络爬虫行为上实现数据保护与共享的平衡。 Data crawling is essentially an automated process of obtaining, extracting and preserving information from the Internet, and should comply with the principle of technology neutrality. In the event of technological abuse, malicious crawling will lead to risks to the security of computer system information systems and the value attached to the data. The current criminal law system is characterized by unclear protection of legal interests, unclear judgment of violation of the law, and the problem of criminal law precedence. The criminal law system of data crawling behavior should be clear that its legal benefit is the substantive value of the information carried by the data, rather than the carrier security;determine guilt and impose appropriate sentences based on the standard of legal order;adhere to the principle of modesty of the criminal law, and establish the criminal law for the protection of the law protection system. A balance between data protection and sharing should be achieved in regulating the behavior of network crawlers.
E-Commerce Letters