作为新兴行业,直播电商尚处于发展初期,面临着行业标准不健全、市场竞争激烈且同质化严重、产品质量参差不齐等挑战。市场格局中,领先企业占据了大部分份额,而众多商家因缺乏明确定位与特色化策略,在激烈的市场角逐中错失发展机遇。本研究综合运用问卷调查、实证分析等科学方法,深入剖析电商直播的独特属性,构建了新型购买意愿理论模型。基于研究发现,本文提出了一系列策略建议,旨在通过提升主播专业素养、优化直播平台的用户体验与互动性、确保信息质量与透明度等措施,有效促进直播电商行业的健康、快速发展,助力商家在竞争中脱颖而出,实现可持续发展。As an emerging industry, live streaming e-commerce is still in the early stage of development, and it is faced with challenges such as imperfect industry standards, fierce market competition, serious homogeneity, and uneven product quality. In the market pattern, the leading enterprises occupy the majority of the share, and many businesses miss the development opportunities in the fierce market competition due to the lack of clear positioning and characteristic strategy. This research comprehensively uses scientific methods such as questionnaire survey and empirical analysis to deeply analyze the unique attributes of e-commerce live broadcasting, and constructs a new theoretical model of purchase intention. Based on the research found, this paper puts forward a series of strategic suggestions, aims to improve the host professionalism, optimize the live platform of user experience and interactive, ensure the quality of information and transparency, effectively promote the healthy and rapid development of live electricity industry, help businesses stand out in the competition, achieve sustainable development.
E-Commerce Letters