自乡村振兴战略提出以来,农村经济发展上升到了新阶段,农村电商成为助力乡村经济发展的重要组成部分。我国农村电子商务发展有着良好前景以及巨大潜力,但在农村电商物流体系建设方面还存在许多短板,为了进一步实现农村电商赋能乡村振兴,当务之急就是改善农村电商物流的服务现状。Since the rural revitalisation strategy was proposed, rural economic development has risen to a new stage, and rural e-commerce has become an important part of helping rural economic development. The development of rural e-commerce in China has a good prospect and great potential, but there are still many shortcomings in the construction of rural e-commerce logistics system. In order to further realise rural e-commerce to empower rural revitalisation, the urgent priority is to improve the service status quo of rural e-commerce logistics.
E-Commerce Letters