社交电商作为平台经济的一种新型商业模式,在推动商品营销效率提升和数字经济快速发展方面起到了积极作用。特别是社交互动与消费行为的融合,使得消费场景变得更加多样化、丰富化和立体化。但其中的隐性广告因其形式的隐蔽性与高效的市场渗透力,带来的消费者误导、虚假宣传、不正当竞争等负面影响,亟需法律规制的跟进与完善。本文旨在分析社交电商平台隐性广告的法律规制现状,探讨当前法律规制的不足,并提出完善广告标识立法,规范披露要求、强化平台责任、创新监管机制等建议,以实现法律规制与市场自由的平衡,促进社交电商生态的健康发展。Social e-commerce, as a new business model of the platform economy, has played a positive role in promoting the efficiency of commodity marketing and the rapid development of the digital economy. In particular, the integration of social interaction and consumption behaviour has made the consumption scene more diversified, rich and three-dimensional. However, the hidden advertisements therein, due to their hidden form and efficient market penetration, bring negative effects such as consumer misinformation problems, false propaganda, unfair competition, etc., which urgently need the follow-up and improvement of legal regulation. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the current situation of legal regulation of hidden advertising in social e-commerce, discuss the deficiencies in the regulation of hidden advertising, and put forward proposals to improve the marking legislation, standardize the disclosure requirements, strengthen the responsibility of the platform, and innovate the regulatory mechanism, in order to achieve a balance between legal regulation and market freedom, and to promote the healthy development of the social e-commerce ecosystem.
E-Commerce Letters