《电子商务法》与《民法典》所制定的“通知–删除”救济机制,其初衷是为真正的知识产权权利人提供一个便捷高效的维权路径,能够及时制止侵犯知识产权的行为。但近年来屡屡发生滥用该制度的恶意投诉现象,不但对电商平台内的经营者造成极大损失,也破坏了电商平台的运行秩序。本文通过分析何为恶意投诉行为以及恶意投诉行为产生的原因,提出应积极合理采取反向保全措施、特殊时间点缴纳保证金、恶意投诉保险、惩罚性赔偿等制度,从而遏制恶意投诉现象的发生。The original intention of the “notice-takedown” relief mechanism formulated by the E-Commerce Law and the Civil Code is to provide a convenient and efficient way for true intellectual property rights holders to protect their rights, and to stop the infringement of intellectual property rights in a timely manner. However, in recent years, there have been repeated malicious complaints about the abuse of the system, which not only caused great losses to the operators in the e-commerce platform, but also undermined the operation order of the e-commerce platform. This paper analyzes what malicious complaints are and the causes of malicious complaints, and proposes that reverse preservation measures, deposit payment at special points in time, insurance for malicious complaints, punitive damages and other systems should be actively and reasonably adopted to curb the occurrence of malicious complaints.
E-Commerce Letters