我国老年人口数量庞大。电子商务迅猛发展为社会提供了大量就业岗位同时也为我们的生活提供了极大的便利。在电商迅猛发展以及老龄化背景下,电子商务发展对老年人幸福感有什么影响、影响方式是什么。本文通过CGSS和中国电子商务发展指数数据,探究电子商务发展对老年人幸福感的影响研究,以老年人幸福感为因变量,以电子商务发展指数为自变量,控制年龄、性别、受教育程度、政治面貌、健康状况、子女数量这六个变量,以个人年收入为中介变量,利用logit模型进行分析。结果表明:电子商务发展、年龄、健康状况、教育程度、政治面貌、个人年收入均对老年人幸福感具有显著正向影响。基于此,本文提出研究意见:第一,进一步提升电商发展水平;第二,创造更加包容的数字环境。The elderly population in our country is huge. The rapid development of e-commerce has created a large number of job opportunities for society and provided great convenience for our lives. In the context of the rapid development of e-commerce and aging population, what impact does the development of e-commerce have on the happiness of the elderly and how does it affect them. This article explores the impact of e-commerce development on the happiness of the elderly through CGSS and China E-Commerce Development Index data. The happiness of the elderly is taken as the dependent variable, and the e-commerce development index is taken as the independent variable. Age, gender, education level, political status, health status, and number of children are controlled, and personal annual income is taken as the mediating variable. The logit model is used for analysis. The results indicate that the development of e-commerce, age, health status, education level, political affiliation, and annual personal income all have a significant positive impact on the happiness of the elderly. Based on this, this article proposes research suggestions: Firstly, further enhance the level of e-commerce development;Secondly, create a more inclusive digital environment.
E-Commerce Letters