数字经济是信息时代下的主要经济形态,快速增长的数字经济为经济社会持续健康发展提供了强大动力。农村一二三产融合能有效解决“三农”问题,推动三产融合是促进经济高质量发展的重要举措。为探究数字经济发展水平对三产融合发展的作用,本文分别构建数字经济发展水平指标和三产融合指数。随后对获取的数据进行平稳性检验、基准回归分析和稳健性检验等。在基于数据平稳的情况下,研究发现数字经济发展对三产融合发展具有正向的促进作用,增加的控制变量验证了模型的稳健性。基于实证结果分析,本文提出推进数字经济和三产融合的意见,为促进经济繁荣发展提供理论支撑。The digital economy, as the primary economic form in the information age, provides robust momentum for the sustained and healthy development of the socio-economic landscape. Integrating primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas effectively addresses the “three rural issues” (agriculture, rural areas, and farmers), and promoting the integration of these industries is a crucial measure to foster high-quality economic development. To investigate the impact of digital economy development on the integration of these three industries, this study constructs indicators for digital economy development level and an index for the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. Subsequently, the data underwent stationarity tests, baseline regression analysis, and robustness checks. Given the stationarity of the data, the study finds that the development of the digital economy positively promotes the integration of these three industries. The inclusion of additional control variables further validates the robustness of the model. Based on the empirical findings, this paper offers recommendations for advancing the digital economy and the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, providing theoretical support for promoting economic prosperity and development.
E-Commerce Letters