在现代技术社会,随着电子商务的迅猛发展,消费行为和消费模式经历了深刻的变革。电商经济极大地推动了商品流通和交换,加速了信息消费、数字消费的发展进程,但随之而来的消费异化问题也愈加明显。本文将立足于马克思主义哲学的异化理论视域,对电商经济下的消费异化现象做学理性探究,探讨在电商平台的算法推荐、信息过载、消费主义的推波助澜下消费异化的具体表征,深入分析其内在逻辑与成因,反思消费异化对社会文化和经济结构造成的深远影响,最后提出应对策略,以期为电商经济如何发挥自身优势促进理性消费和经济发展提供理论支持和实践指导。In modern technological society, with the rapid development of e-commerce, consumer behavior and consumption patterns have undergone profound changes. The e-commerce economy has greatly promoted the circulation and exchange of goods, accelerated the development of information consumption and digital consumption, but the resulting consumer alienation problem has also become more and more obvious. Based on the alienation theory of Marxist philosophy, this paper will conduct a rational study on the phenomenon of consumer alienation under the e-commerce economy, explore the specific manifestations of consumer alienation under the algorithm recommendation, information overload, and consumerism of the e-commerce platform, deeply analyze its internal logic and causes, reflect on the profound impact of consumer alienation on social culture and economic structure, and finally propose coping strategies, in order to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for how the e-commerce economy can give full play to its own advantages to promote rational consumption and economic development.
E-Commerce Letters