电商已成为经济社会发展,促进行业数字化改造的主要方法。数字经济的日益发达,电商也将快速兴起,大多数农民通过电子商务实现了经济自由。从“淘宝村”,“电商村”可以充分展示电子商务发展的巨大潜力。企业在追求产品质量和价格竞争的同时,不可避免地面临着同质化的挑战。这种同质化现象使得消费者更加关注产品或品牌的整体体验过程。因此,品牌体验已经成为企业和消费者共同关注的焦点。购买意愿作为消费者购买行为的基础,扮演着至关重要的角色,它反映了消费者对产品或服务的真实需求和态度,也能够对未来购买行为做出一定程度的预测。企业也需要与时俱进,充分利用大数据、媒体等方式进行创新,对于酱香型白酒企业而言,这意味着需要不断地改进和优化品牌体验,以满足消费者日益增长的需求和期待。基于相关文献理论的综合梳理,构建了一个全面的研究模型,将品牌体验作为自变量,购买意愿作为因变量进行分析,并提出了相应的假设,进行分析并得出结论。本文对研究假设进行分析,用数据分析得出以下结论:感官体验,情感体验和思考体验对消费者购买意愿具有显著正向影响。最后,本文基于实证研究结论提出合理化建议,为酱香型白酒企业如何利用品牌体验来增强消费者购买意愿等方面提供参考,并指出本文的不足和未来可能的研究方向。E-commerce has become the main method for economic and social development and promoting the digital transformation of the industry. With the increasing development of digital economy, e-commerce will also rise rapidly, and most farmers have achieved economic freedom through e-commerce. “Taobao village”, “e-commerce village” can fully demonstrate the great potential of e-commerce development. While pursuing product quality and price competition, enterprises inevitably face the challenge of homogenization. This homogenization makes consumers pay more attention to the overall experience process of the product or brand. Therefore, brand experience has become the focus of both enterprises and consumers. As the basis of consumers’ purchase behavior, purchase intention plays a crucial role. It reflects consumers’ real demand and attitude towards products or services, and can also predict future purchase behavior to a certain extent. Enterprises also need to keep pace with The Times and make full use of big data, media and other ways to innovate. For Maotai-flavor liquor enterprises, this means that they need to continuously improve and optimize brand experience to meet the growing needs and expectations of consumers. Based on the comprehensive review of relevant literature theories, a comprehensive research model is constructed, taking brand experience as an independent variable and purchase intention as a dependent variable for analysis, and corresponding hypotheses are put forward for analysis and conclusions are drawn. This paper analyzes the research hypothesis and draws the following conclusions with data analysis: sensory experience, emotional experience and thinking experience have a significant positive impact on consumers’ purchase intention. Finally, based on the empirical research conclusions, this paper puts forward reasonable suggestions to provide reference for how to use brand experience to enhance consumers’ purchase intention, and points out the shortcomings of this paper and possible future research directions.
E-Commerce Letters