数字经济时代,电商直播正成为农产品销售的新兴渠道。农民借助这一创新模式,不仅拓宽了销路,还提升了农产品附加值。然而,在探索过程中,农民专业化水平不高、农产品标准化生产滞后、产销对接机制不健全等问题日益凸显。针对这些挑战,研究提出加强农民培训、推进农产品标准化生产、完善产销对接机制等对策建议。深入分析表明,通过政策支持、技术创新和多方协作,农民电商直播创业有望成为推动乡村产业振兴、实现共同富裕的有效途径,为农村经济发展注入新动能。In the era of digital economy, e-commerce live broadcasting is becoming an emerging channel for the sale of agricultural products. With this innovative model, farmers not only expand sales, but also improve the added value of agricultural products. However, in the process of exploration, problems such as the low level of farmers’ specialization, the lagging standardized production of agricultural products, and the imperfect production and marketing docking mechanism have become increasingly prominent. In response to these challenges, countermeasures and suggestions were put forward to strengthen farmer training, promote standardized production of agricultural products, and improve the production-marketing docking mechanism. In-depth analysis shows that through policy support, technological innovation and multi-party collaboration, farmers’ e-commerce entrepreneurship is expected to become an effective way to promote the revitalization of rural industries and achieve common prosperity, and inject new momentum into rural economic development.
E-Commerce Letters