随着电子商务的不断繁荣发展,农村物流业得到了迅速发展,并且在推动农村经济发展方面发挥了关键作用。不过我国物流企业发展整体水平较低,结合农村的特点和问题,如何促进农村经济发展,打通农村电商物流的“最后一公里”,成为目前的热点问题。本文旨在探讨电子商务背景下,物流业发展对农村经济的影响。通过分析农村经济的特点以及物流业发展的趋势以及所面临的问题,并且对两者之间的关系进行研究,提出了一些可供参考的建议,以促进农村经济发展。With the continuous development of e-commerce, the logistics industry has played a key role in promoting the development of rural economy. This article aims to explore the impact of logistics industry development on rural economy in the context of e-commerce by analyzing the characteristics of rural economy and the trends and problems faced by the logistics industry, and studying the relationship between the two, in order to promote the development of rural economy.
E-Commerce Letters