通过SWOT分析法、案例分析法等研究方法,分析淘宝直播营销。发现淘宝直播存在主播与消费者互动频率降低且深度不够、主播推介的商品与消费者实际购买存在着严重的差异、直播形式缺乏创新等问题。提出以个性原则为引导的营销策略、以利益原则为主的营销布局、以趣味原则为导向的营销内容投入、注重互动原则的营销方式等建议。Through SWOT analysis method, case study method and other research methods, I analyze Taobao live marketing. It is found that Taobao live streaming has problems such as reduced frequency and insufficient depth of interaction between anchors and consumers, serious discrepancies between the products recommended by anchors and those actually purchased by consumers, and lack of innovation in the form of live streaming. We propose a marketing strategy guided by the principle of individuality, a marketing layout based on the principle of interest, a marketing content input guided by the principle of fun, and a marketing approach focusing on the principle of interaction.
E-Commerce Letters