随着电子商务的迅猛发展,特别是电商直播作为新兴的在线购物方式在近年来迅速崛起,为传统农产品营销提供了新的渠道和机遇。江苏省盱眙县的龙虾特色产业乘着电商直播的东风,迎来了“二次创业”,开创了全县致富的新局面。本文通过对当前电商直播背景下盱眙龙虾特色产业营销的现状及困境进行分析,结合具体问题提出相应的营销策略及优化路径,为推进盱眙龙虾特色产业直播带货的发展提供助力。With the rapid development of e-commerce, especially e-commerce live streaming as an emerging online shopping method in recent years, it provides new channels and opportunities for the rapid rise for the traditional marketing of agricultural products. The lobster specialty industry in Xuyi County, Jiangsu Province, has ushered in the “second start-up” by riding on the east wind of e-commerce live broadcasting, creating a new situation for the whole county to get rich. This paper analyzes the current situation and dilemma of the marketing of Xuyi’s lobster specialty industry under the background of e-commerce live streaming, and puts forward corresponding marketing strategies and optimization paths in combination with specific problems, in order to provide assistance for promoting the development of live streaming of Xuyi’s lobster specialty industry with goods.
E-Commerce Letters