数字技术的不断更新迭代使得数字经济成为地区和企业发展的新驱动力。在政府“十四五”纲要中将“数字经济”提升到国家战略高度,数字化转型是企业发展壮大的必由之路。虽已有企业成为数字化转型的探路者,但由于企业资源的有限性和数字化转型战略自身的高度复杂性,导致企业数字化转型面临“不愿转、不敢转、不会转”三大困境。本文基于CiteSpace文献可视化分析软件,对企业数字化转型研究文献进行分析,梳理数字化转型研究的研究现状、研究热点与趋势。研究发现研究热点主要基于“数字经济”、“融资约束”、“企业创新”等领域,结合文献阅读得出现有针对企业数字化转型的研究从研究单个企业数字化转型的驱动因素和数字化转型带来的成果效应,逐渐发展到研究某一企业数字化转型对另一企业数字化转型的影响。本文总结已有企业数字化转型驱动因素、成果效应、传导机制,为后续研究的发展提供借鉴。The continuous updating and iteration of digital technology makes the digital economy a new driving force for regional and corporate development. In China’s “14th Five-Year Plan,” the digital economy has been elevated to the level of a national strategic priority, and digital transformation has become an essential path for enterprises to grow and thrive. Although some companies have pioneered digital transformation, many still face three key challenges: reluctance to transform, fear of transformation, and lack of ability to transform. These challenges stem from the limitations of corporate resources and the inherent complexity of digital transformation strategies. This paper utilizes CiteSpace, a bibliometric visualization software, to analyze the existing literature on corporate digital transformation, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state, research hotspots, and emerging trends in this field. The analysis reveals that research focuses primarily on areas such as the “digital economy,” “financing constraints,” and “corporate innovation.” Through a review of the literature, it becomes evident that studies on corporate digital transformation have evolved from examining the driving factors and outcomes for individual companies to exploring the impact of one company’s digital transformation on another. This paper synthesizes the existing research on the driving factors, outcomes, and transmission mechanisms of corporate digital transformation, offering valuable insights for future studies.
E-Commerce Letters