

Guangdong Province Accelerated the Study of High-Quality Development Path of Digital Economy
摘要 近年来,广东坚持把数字经济作为转型发展的关键增量扎实推进,数字经济已经成为广东社会经济发展中创新最活跃、增长速度最快、影响最广泛的领域。大力促进数字经济高质量发展是广东经济转型、产业升级所面临的迫切任务,广东省是我国改革开放的先驱者。广东省充分利用数据资源、产业基础、融合应用场景等优势,大力推进了产业转型升级。目前,广东省正处于经济结构优化、增长动能转换的重要阶段,面临着新一轮的产业变革、粤港澳大湾区建设等重要战略机会,尤其是信息化企业对数字化转型的新要求,本文从广东省数字经济发展现状,广东省数字经济关键词发展存在的问题,广东省加快数字经济发展的路径等方面进行分析。广东省要继续探索以数字经济为主导的产业发展新路子,并按照产业融合程度差异分类推进数字化转型,优化产业结构,加速建设世界级新兴数字产业集群;加强数字技术自主创新的生态环境建设;强化数字基础设施,增强工业发展支持能力;积极探索各种渠道,加速引进和培养复合型的数字化人才,加速新数据要素的价值释放,加速工业向世界价值链中高端迈进,推动广东省经济迈向高质量发展新阶段。 In recent years, Guangdong has steadily promoted the digital economy as a key incremental step in transformation and development, and the digital economy has become the most innovative, fastest growing and most widely influential field in Guangdong’s social and economic development. To vigorously promote the high-quality development of digital economy is an urgent task facing Guangdong’s economic transformation and industrial upgrading, and Guangdong Province is a pioneer in China’s reform and opening up. Guangdong has made full use of its advantages in data resources, industrial base, and converged application scenarios to vigorously promote industrial transformation and upgrading. At present, Guangdong Province is in an important stage of economic structure optimization and growth momentum transformation, facing a new round of industrial transformation, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other important strategic opportunities, especially the new requirements of information enterprises for digital transformation. This paper discusses the current situation of promoting economic development of Guangdong Province by digital economy, and the problems existing in the development of digital economy of Guangdong Province, how to accelerate the development of digital economy in Guangdong Province. Guangdong Province should continue to explore a new way of industrial development led by the digital economy, and promote digital transformation according to the differences in the degree of industrial integration, optimize the industrial structure, and accelerate the construction of world-class emerging digital industrial clusters;strengthen the ecological environment construction of digital technology independent innovation;strengthen digital infrastructure and enhancing capacity to support industrial development;actively explore various channels, accelerate the introduction and training of composite digital talents, accelerate the value release of new data elements, accelerate the industry to move towards the middle and high end of the world value chain, and promote the economy of Guangdong Province to a new stage of high-quality development.
作者 张容
出处 《财富涌现与流转》 2023年第4期27-33,共7页 Emergence and Transfer of Wealth
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