Using the panel data from the China Household Finance Survey in 2015, 2017, and 2019, as well as the data from the Peking University Digital Financial Inclusion Index of China, and adopting the fixed-effect model, this paper empirically tests the impact of digital inclusive finance on the diversification of rural household asset allocation from a micro perspective. A regional heterogeneity analysis is also conducted, reaching the conclusion that digital inclusive finance has a certain promoting effect on enhancing the diversity of rural household asset portfolios. The increases in the coverage breadth, digitization level, and usage depth of digital inclusive finance all play significant roles, with the coverage breadth having the most significant impact. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the role of digital inclusive finance is only significant in the eastern and central regions, with the most prominent effect in the central region. Finally, suggestions are made to further improve the design of digital inclusive finance and better optimize the allocation of rural household assets.