

Analysis on Spatial Agglomeration Characteristics of Travel Agency Enterprises in Jinan Based on POI Data
摘要 借助POI地理空间大数据,通过核密度估计算法、重心迁移模型、区位基尼系数、变异系数和最邻近指数法对济南市旅行社空间集聚特征进行分析,进一步探索旅行社企业空间的布局差异。研究结果表明:① 旅行社空间核密度值形成了中部高、四周低的分布格局,以主城区为中心,向外围郊县进行扩散分布。② 1990~2020年旅行社空间布局重心迁移轨迹具有显著的阶段性和曲折性,先是由趵突泉街道向东北方向迁移,然后再向东南方向的燕山街道、姚家街道迁移,最后落位于西北方向的龙洞街道。③ 区县、街道尺度的旅行社分布具有明显的非均衡性,旅行社在中心城区中的历下区、历城区、市中区形成了明显的地域专业化分布,旅行社集聚数量占到了济南市旅行社总数的50%以上。④ 旅行社整体上属于集聚型分布类型,且最邻近指数存在着波动性变化,反映了在不同时期的中心城区、外围区县和街道,旅行社集聚程度呈现波动性变化。通过分析旅行社企业集聚与扩散的空间分布特征,有助于进一步明确旅行社商业网点区位选址,提高旅游企业前期区位选址规划的科学性,对推动黄河流域下游地区济南市旅游业高质量发展具有重要意义。 With the help of POI geospatial big data, this paper analyzes the spatial agglomeration characteristics of travel agencies in Jinan through kernel density estimation algorithm, center of gravity migration model, location Gini coefficient, variation coefficient and nearest neighbor index method, so as to further explore the spatial layout differences of travel agencies. The results show that: 1) The spatial nuclear density value of travel agencies forms a distribution pattern of high in the middle and low around. It takes the main urban area as the center and diffuses to the surrounding suburban counties. 2) From 1990 to 2020, the center of gravity of the spatial layout of travel agencies moved from Baotuquan street to the northeast, then to Yanshan street and Yaojia street in the southeast, and finally to Longdong street in the northwest. 3) The distribution of travel agencies at the district, county and street scales is obviously unbalanced. Travel agencies have formed an obvious regional professional distribution in Lixia District, Licheng District and Shizhong District in the central urban area, and the number of travel agencies accounts for more than 50% of the total number of travel agencies in Jinan. 4) As a whole, travel agencies belong to the distribution type of agglomeration, and the nearest neighbor index has fluctuating changes, which reflects the fluctuating change of travel agency agglomeration degree in the central urban area, peripheral districts, counties and streets in different periods. By analyzing the spatial distribution characteristics of the agglomeration and diffusion of travel agency enterprises, it is helpful to further clarify the location of travel agency commercial outlets, improve the scientificity of the early location planning of tourism enterprises, and is of great significance to promote the high-quality development of tourism in Jinan in the lower reaches of the Yellow River basin.
机构地区 曲阜师范大学
出处 《地理科学研究》 2022年第2期179-188,共10页 Geographical Science Research
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