乡愁近年来逐渐成为了国内外学者关注的一个重要话题。文章以Web of Science和中国科学社会引文索引数据库(CSSCI)为论文样本,运用CiteSpace软件对国内外乡愁研究的共被引文献、发文量、发文作者及机构、关键词等方面展开可视化分析,并在此基础上对未来研究方向提出展望。研究结果表明:国内外有关乡愁研究的发文数量较多,尤其在2010~2013年间,发文量增长较快,并于2016年达到峰值,但近5年出现波动下滑趋势;国内外研究领域已经形成了一批有较高学术影响力的研究学者和研究机构;国内乡愁研究热点集中在乡愁概念的解读、乡愁与城镇化建设的关系、旅游者乡愁体验等方面,国外研究话题集中在乡愁量表开发、乡愁触发因素等解释性研究和有关乡愁主体、乡愁客体、乡愁分类、乡愁情感内涵等描述性研究。最后,指出乡愁的唤起机制系统化、乡愁理论的实践应用、乡愁与旅游的发展关系是未来乡愁研究值得深入探索的重要方面。
Homesickness has gradually become an important topic of concern to scholars at home and abroad in recent years. Based on the Web of Science and Citation Index Database (CSSCI) of the Chinese Science Society, this paper uses CiteSpace software to visually analyze the co-cited documents, the number of papers, authors and institutions, keywords and other aspects of homesickness research at home and abroad, and on this basis, puts forward the future research direction. The results show that there are a large number of papers on homesickness research at home and abroad, especially during 2010~2013, which increased rapidly and reached its peak in 2016, but it fluctuated and declined in recent five years. A number of researchers and research institutions with high academic influence have been formed in the research field at home and abroad;domestic homesickness research focuses on the interpretation of the concept of homesickness, the relationship between homesickness and urbanization, tourists’ homesickness experience, etc., foreign research topics focus on the development of homesickness scale, homesickness trigger factors and other descriptive studies on homesickness subject, homesickness object, homesickness classification and homesickness emotional connotation. Finally, it is pointed out that the systematization of the homesickness evocation mechanism, the practical application of the homesickness theory and the development relationship between homesickness and tourism are important aspects worthy of in-depth exploration in future homesickness research.
Geographical Science Research