利用FNL分析资料、乌鲁木齐机场自动观测系统、区域自动站数据等对2023年4月30日~5月2日一次长时间持续的强东南大风过程原因进行分析,探究大风长时间持续的原因及影响要素,结果如下:(1) 此次东南大风具有持续时间长、阵性大、日变化显著等特点,风速在机场跑道上具有“西强东弱”特征,东南大风持续时跑道出现的强侧风以及强侧风阵性导致的较强的水平风切变是影响飞行安全的重要因子。(2) 长时间维持的回流型东南大风和随后的锋前减压型东南大风共同作用是此次东南大风形成和长时间持续的主要原因。(3) 达坂城、哈密等站与机场的气压差、气温差等演变对于东南大风开始、持续及减弱均有较好的提前量和指示意义。
An analysis of the causes and sustained impact factors of a prolonged southeast gale from April 30th to May 2nd, 2023, had been conducted using FNL data, automatic observation system of Urumqi Airport, and regional automatic station data. The results showed that: (1) The event was characterized by a long duration, prominent gustiness, and significant diurnal variation. The wind speed displayed a “stronger in the west, weaker in the east” pattern on the airport runway. The southeast gale resulted in strong crosswind and gust-induced horizontal wind shear on the runway, which were identified as key factors affecting flight safety. (2) The main causes for the formation and sustained nature of this southeast gale were identified as the cumulative effect of a long-maintained return flow pattern of southeast gale and the subsequent reduction in pressure in front of the front. (3) The evolution in the pressure and temperature differences between stations like Dabancheng, Hami, and the airport had good predictive value for the start, duration, and weakening of the southeast gale.
Geographical Science Research