

Evaluation of the Spatial Distribution and Equity in Allocation of Preschool Education Resources in Hohhot
摘要 本文关注于呼和浩特市市区学前教育资源及学龄人口的空间分布及其分配公平性,以解决“三孩”政策下日益突显的学前教育资源短缺问题。研究利用ArcGIS软件分析学龄人口的数量与分布,通过核密度估计法评估学前教育资源及学龄人口的空间密度和有效服务水平,并计算基尼系数并绘制洛伦茨曲线,以量化分析资源分配的合理性。研究发现,呼和浩特市市区学前教育资源的空间分布显著不均,主要集中在城市核心区域,而乡镇地区存在资源供给不足的情况,呈现出“西密东疏、中心向边缘递减”的特征。计算得出的基尼系数为0.21,表明学龄人口与教育资源的分配相对均衡。这一研究结果提示,呼和浩特市在应对学前教育资源紧张问题时需要进一步优化资源配置策略,以确保资源分配更加公平和有效。This study focuses on the spatial distribution and equity of preschool education resources and the school-age population in the urban areas of Hohhot City, addressing the increasingly acute issue of inadequate preschool education resources under the “three-child” policy. Using ArcGIS software, the research analyzes the quantity and distribution of the school-age population, evaluates the spatial density and effective service levels of preschool education resources through kernel density estimation, and quantitatively assesses the rationality of resource allocation by calculating the Gini coefficient and plotting Lorenz curves. The study reveals significant spatial disparities in the distribution of preschool education resources within Hohhot’s urban areas, primarily concentrated in the central urban core, while rural areas exhibit resource gaps, characterized by a pattern of “denser in the west, sparser in the east, and decreasing from the center to the periphery”. With a computed Gini coefficient of 0.21, the distribution of school-age population and education resources demonstrates relatively equitable allocation. These research findings suggest that Hohhot City needs to further optimize its resource allocation strategies to address the scarcity of preschool education resources, ensuring a more equitable and effective distribution of resources.
作者 道力给雅
出处 《地理科学研究》 2024年第4期778-785,共8页 Geographical Science Research
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