本文根据甬优12的特征特性,采用水稻精确定量栽培技术时,开展不同施氮量、不同基蘖肥比穗肥比例、不同移栽密度、氮肥不同基蘖肥和穗肥的比例,及穗肥中促花肥和保花肥的比例的研究,探索甬优12单产12.0 t/hm2以上的关键栽培技术措施着重分析了各因子不同水平对甬优12生育过程中群体和个体动态。结果显示,1) 分蘖最高苗和有效穗随着氮化肥用量的提高而增加;每穗总粒数、实粒数随着基蘖肥和穗肥的比例的提高而提高,但结实率略有降低;2) 剑叶长度和宽度均随着氮化肥用量或穗肥比例的提高而增长,剑叶长度和宽度与产量成正相关;3) 产量在氮化肥用量240 kg/hm2,基蘖肥和穗肥比为4:6的情况下,最高为13.31 t/hm2。本研究结果表明,甬优12单产12.0 t/hm2以上的关键栽培技术措施是:播种期以5月中旬中期至下旬中期为好,在施足有机肥(有机氮78.75 kg/hm2)基础上,氮化肥用量180 kg/hm2~300 kg/hm2,移栽密度12万丛/hm2~21万丛/hm2,氮肥基蘖肥比穗肥5:5~4:6,穗肥中促花肥和保花肥的比例为6:4~4:6,氮:磷:钾为1:0.5:1,磷肥在基肥施用时全部施入,钾肥重点施在分蘖肥和促花肥。
According to the characteristics of Yongyou 12, using rice precise quantitative cultivation techniques, this paper studies the different nitrogen application rate, different fat tillers, different proportion of earing fertilizer, transplanting density, nitrogen fertilizer under different tillers in ratio between fat earing fertilizer and earing fertilizer, and the ratio between promoting fertilizer and protecting fertilizer. The paper aims to explore the key cultivation techniques of the Yongyou 12 yield more than 12.0 t/hm2, and focuses on the analysis of various factors in group and the growth process of the individual dynamic of Yongyou 12. The results show that 1) the highest tillering seedling and the effective spikes will increase with the nitrogen fertilizer increasing and the number of every spikelets per panicle and the filled grain will increase with the ratio of Base-Tiller fertilizer increasing, but the rate of seed setting decreases slightly. 2) The length and width of sword leaves grow longer and wider with nitrogen fertilizer dosage and the percentage of panicle fertilizer increasing, the length and width of sword leaves are proportional to the yield. 3) Under the conditions of 240 kg/hm2 of nitrogen fertilizer, 4:6 of the ratio between tiller fertilizer and the panicle fertilizer, the yield can get as high as 13.31 t/hm2. The results of this study indicate that, the key cultivation techniques for Yongyou 12 yielding more than 12.0 t/hm2 are following: the best time of sowing is in mid-May to late metaphase;based on the sufficient organic fertilizer (78.75 kg/hm2 of organic nitrogen), the dosage of nitrogenous fertilizer should better be180 kg/hm2 to300 kg/hm2;the transplanting density should better be 120,000 bundle/hm2 - 210,000 bundle/hm2;the ratio of nitrogen of Base-Tiller fertilizer and panicle fertilizer is 5:5 - 4:6;the ratio between promoting fertilizer and protecting fertilizer is 6:4 - 4:6, N:P:K is 1:0.5:1;all the phosphate fertilizer apply to the starter;and potassium fertilizer focus on applying to the tillering fertilizer and promoting fertilizer.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences