对湖北粮食生产大县利川市在水稻上应用面积较大的三种配方肥进行田间试验,验证了三种配方对水稻产量的影响差异不显著,皆可大面积推广应用。同时验证了在当地水稻生产中推广一次性施肥技术完全可行,对解决农村劳动力严重不足十分有利。发现利川水田基础地力较高,贡献率达到70%左右,明显高于我国50%的平均水平,接近欧美发达国家水平。针对利川耕地肥力状况,配方还需进一步优化,应适当增加磷含量,较大幅度提高钾含量,总养分投入应由目前的20 kg/667m2提高到30 kg以上,肥料投入总量不足是导致利川水稻单产偏低的主要障碍因素之一。
Lichuan is a large county of grain production in Hubei province. There are three kinds of Rice For-mula Fertilizer Applied in Lichuan City, which has been tested in the field to verify its effect. The results show that the effect of the three kinds of formula fertilizer is equal, and it can be widely used in large area. At the same time, it is proved that the “one-time fertilization technology of rice” is completely feasible, and is very beneficial to solve the serious shortage of rural labor force. It is also found that the Lichuan paddy field has a higher foundation;the contribution rate is about 70%, which is obviously higher than the average level of 50% in China, which is close to the level of the developed countries in Europe and America. According to the fertility of cultivated land in Lichuan, the formula should be further optimized, should be appropriate to increase the phosphorus content, potassium content increased greatly, the total nutrient input should be increased to 30 kg/667 square meters 20 kg/667 square meters above. The insufficient amount of fertilizer input is one of the main obstacles to the low yield of rice in Lichuan.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences