对温带血缘和亚热带血缘甜玉米的亲本及其杂交组合进行药剂(3%甲基硫菌灵)拌种处理,并对其株高和穗位进行对比和遗传分析。结果表明:经拌药处理的甜玉米的株高和穗位均明显降低,且株高比穗位降低明显,亚热带血缘亲本比温带血缘亲本降低明显。遗传效应分析表明:甜玉米的株高和穗位呈显著正相关(r = 0.6411),株高的遗传大部分(占58.3%)表现为超显性遗传,小部分(占41.7%)表现为部分显性遗传;穗位的遗传小部分(占33.3%)表现为超显性遗传,大部分(占66.7%)表现为部分显性遗传。
Seed dressing by 3% thiophonate-methyl was conducted for the parents and the cross combination of temperate zone and semitropical area germplast sweet corn. The comparison and genetic effect of their plant height and ear position were studied. The results showed that the plant height and ear position of sweet corn which were treated by 3% thiophonate-methyl got lower. The plant height of sweet corn got significant lower than the ear position, and the parent lines from semi-tropical germplasm were more sensitive than that from temperate zone. The analysis on genetic effect showed that there was significant positive relationship between plant height and ear position (r = 0.6411). The genetic for most of plant height (58.3%) showed as the supper dominance, and less of them (41.7%) showed as the part dominance. The genetic for less of ear position (33.3%) showed as the supper dominance, and most of them (66.7%) showed as the part dominance.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences