马莲花多分布在海拔2400~2800 m的高原地带。经过3年对其生长特性观察和育苗技术研究,试验结果表明:马莲花抗寒抗旱、根系发达,分蘖迅速,对土壤要求不严,在沙壤土、粘壤土和贫瘠地上均可种植,固土防冲刷能力强,是很好的水土保持和高原城市园林绿化植物。分株繁殖时:10芽分株、分株苗栽植时应选择春季、株行距选择40 cm ×40 cm有利于提高成活率;种子繁殖时:选择沙壤地,下种量8.89 kg/667 m2,春播有利于提高出苗率。
Malian flower grows in altitude 2400 - 2800 m of plateau region. Growth character and seed-ling-raising are observed and studied by three years. The results show that the ability of cold hardiness, combat drought, growth of root system is high and condition to soil is not high;it is planted in sandy loam, clay loam, and barren land;the ability of conserving soil is strong. Therefore, Malian flower is a good botany of conserving soil and greening city in plateau region. Ramet reproduction: cutting with ten sprouts, planting in spring, selecting space between rows and plants 40 cm ×40 cm can increase survival rate;seed reproduction: selecting sandy soil, seed quantity 8.89 kg/667 m2, sowing in spring can increase emergence rate.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences