独脚金内酯(strigolactones, SLs)是近年来植物源激素研究的热点之一,其广泛的存在于各类高等植物的根系中,是独脚金醇类化合物的总称。独脚金内酯在抑制植物腋芽分蘖、促进菌根真菌分枝和诱导根寄生植物种子萌发等方面起着重要作用。但目前关于SLs的研究集中在高等植物中,另有少数的研究也得出其在低等植物如轮藻类中也有独脚金内脂的发现,可能将独脚金内脂的进化起源进一步提前。本文从SLs的生物活性、合成途径、作用机制等方面进行阐述,为独脚金内酯的进一步开发应用提供参考。
Strigolactones (SLs) are one of the hotspots of phytohormone research in recent years. It exists widely in the roots of various advanced plants;Strigolactones are the general name of the monopod alcohols. SLs play an important role in inhibiting axillary bud tillering, promoting mycorrhizal fungal branch and inducing seed germination of root parasitic plants. However, the current research on SLs is concentrated in advanced plant, and a few other studies have found that SLs also have its discovery in lower plants such as charophytes, which may further advance its evolutionary origin. In this paper, its biological activity, synthesis pathway and action mechanism were reviewed, which could provide reference for its further development and application.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences