以金莲花种子为材料,对其进行了物候期、育苗及山地引种栽培试验。结果表明:1) 金莲花在试验地能够完成发芽、展叶、开花、结实的年生长发育规律。2) 金莲花种子适宜的催芽方法是采用500mg/L的GA3溶液在4℃恒温培养箱内浸种4 d,能够获得92.56%发芽率。3) 金莲花种子穴盘育苗时适宜的穴盘规格为50孔,健壮苗可达95%。试验为在北京地区科学栽培金莲花提供了依据。
The researcher conducted an experiment on phenological period, seedling and cultivation of the seeds of Trollius chinensis in mountain areas. The results showed the possibility to grow Trollius chinensis in Beijing. First, the annual growth and development of Trollius chinensis can be completed in the experimental area. Second, germination happened when the researcher used 500 mg/L of GA3 solution in a 4 d incubator at a constant temperature of 4˚C and the rate could reach 92.56%. Thirdly, a 50-hole plate is the best choice for seedling and the rate of robust seedlings can reach 95%.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences