华北设施农田磷淋失的问题严重,本文通过不同用量生物炭配合糯玉米,即CK (0%)、C1 (0%)、C2 (0.5%)、C3 (2%)、C4 (4%)、C5 (8%),研究在夏季如何阻控和缓解磷淋失以及减少磷累积的问题。结果表明,随着生物炭用量增加,填闲糯玉米生物量以及吸磷量均出现先增加后减小的特点,其中C2 (0.5%)处理最大,土壤全磷及水溶性磷均有减少,C2 (0.5%)为最优处理,其全磷降低了2.68%,水溶性磷0~30 cm表层下降了37.8%,90~120 cm土层下降幅度达到85.3%。因此,在本试验条件下得出0.5%~2%生物炭施用水平为最佳用量范围,即添加185~750 kg•hm−2最有利于阻控和缓解磷素的淋失问题。
The problem of phosphorus leaching from protected farmland in North China is serious. This paper studied how to control and alleviate phosphorus leaching and reduce phosphorus accumulation in summer by using different amounts of biochar combined with waxy corn, i.e., CK (0%), C1 (0%), C2 (0.5%), C3 (2%), C4 (4%), C5 (8%). The results showed that the biomass and phosphorus uptake of waxy corn increased with the increase of biochar C2 (0.5%) was the best treatment, and its total phosphorus decreased by 2.68%, water-soluble phosphorus decreased by 37.8% in 0~30 cm soil layer, and decreased by 85.3% in 90~120 cm soil layer. Therefore, under the experimental conditions, 0.5%~2% biochar application level is the best dosage range, that is, adding 185~750 kg•hm−2 is the best way to solve the problem of phosphorus resistance control and alleviate phosphorus leaching.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences