优质食味粳稻新品种“泰香粳1402”熟期早、口感优、灌浆快、结实率高、出米多、耐贮存和产量高,适种区域为苏中及沿江与宁镇扬丘陵地区。绿色丰产高效栽培技术要点:适时早播,适宜播期5月15~25日;合理群体起点,667 m2基本苗8~10万;肥料精准运筹,高产优质适宜施氮量为20 kg,基蘖氮:穗氮比为6:4。
Tai Xiang Geng 1402, a new japonica rice variety with high quality and taste, has the advantages of early maturity, storage resistance, good taste, fast grain filling, high seed setting rate, more rice and high yield. It is suitable for planting in middle of Jiangsu, areas along the Yangtze River and hilly areas of Ning Zhen Yang. Key points of green, high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques: timely and early sowing, suitable sowing date is May 15 to May 25;reasonable population starting point, basic seedlings in 667 m2 is 80,000~100,000;accurate fertilizer management, suitable nitrogen application rate is 20 kg, and the ratio of basal tiller nitrogen to Panicle Nitrogen is 6:4.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences