

Study on the Effect of Slow/Controlled Release Fertilizer Experiment for Maize in Central Shandong Area
摘要 目的:为提高玉米的科学施肥水平,探索出最适合鲁中地区玉米生产的缓控释肥条件。方法:以玉米为试材,设置CK空白对照、T1常规施肥、T2配方施肥、T3树脂包膜缓控释肥和T4脲甲醛缓控释肥5个处理,并对供试玉米的生物学性状、产量及经济效益进行分析。结果:试验结果表明:在试验地块条件下,与常规施肥和配方施肥相比较,缓控释肥处理的玉米生物学性状表现为根条数增加,叶片功能期延长,植株长势旺盛,果实籽粒饱满无秃尖,抗逆性能力强;对提高玉米的产量、经济效益和肥料利用率都有显著的作用效果,并且脲甲醛缓控释肥各类作用效果指标要好于树脂包膜缓控释肥,具有最多的穗粒数为570.73粒,最大千粒重为317.75 g,最高产量为10218.70 kg/hm2,最大产值为27590.49元/hm2和产投比为5.36,最大肥料偏生产力为42.52。结论:在鲁中地区玉米种植试验地块下建议采用脲甲醛缓控释肥可以有效提高玉米的产量,同时获得最大经济和生态效益,建议施肥配比(折纯)为全年施用氮肥156.30 kg/hm2,磷肥30.00 kg/hm2,钾肥54.00 kg/hm2,在此施肥模式下可以实现鲁中地区玉米一次性施肥节肥增效,有利于鲁中地区玉米生产的健康、绿色、可持续发展。 Objectives: This study aimed to improve the scientific fertilization level of maize and to explore the most suitable slow/controlled release fertilizer conditions for maize production in central Shan-dong. Methods: The maize was treated using five methods of fertilizer application: blank control (CK), conventional fertilization (T1), formula fertilization (T2), resincoated slow/controlled release fertilizer (T3) and urea formaldehyde slow/controlled release fertilizer (T4). The indexes of biological characters, yield and economic benefits of maize were analyzed after the experiment. Result: Under the conditions of the experimental sites, compared with conventional fertilization and formula fertilization, the biological characters of maize treated with slow-release fertilizer were as follows: the number of roots increased, the leaf functional period was prolonged, the plant was vigorously growing, the fruit grains were plump without bald tips, and the stress resistance was strong. It had a significant effect on improving corn yield, economic benefits and fertilizer utilization, and the various effect indicators of urea formaldehyde slow/controlled release fertilizer were better than those of resin coated slow and controlled release fertilizer. The maximum number of grains per ear was 570.73, the maximum thousand-grain weight was 317.75 g, the maximum yield was 10218.70 kg/hm2, the maximum output value was 27590.49 yuan/hm2, the output-to-input ratio was 5.36, and the maximum fertilizer partial productivity was 42.52. Conclusion: It is recommended to use urea formaldehyde slow/release fertilizer under the maize planting test plot in central Shandong, which can effectively increase the yield of maize, and at the same time obtain the maximum economic and ecological benefits. The recommended fertilization ratio (in pure form) is the annual application of nitrogen fertilizer 156.30 kg/hm2, phosphate fertilizer 30.00 kg/hm2, potassium fertilizer 54.00 kg/hm2. Under this fertilization mode, one-time fertilization of maize in central Shan-dong can be achieved, saving fertilizer and increasing efficiency, which is beneficial to the healthy, green and sustainable development of maize production in central Shandong.
出处 《农业科学》 2022年第8期722-730,共9页 Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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