为了探讨适合的石蒜属植物组培苗驯化环境条件,以石蒜‘桃红’(Lycoris ‘Tao Hong’)为研究材料,以土壤相对含水量和基质配比进行单因素试验对组培苗进行驯化种植,而后测定叶生物量及收获鳞茎生物量。结果显示,土壤相对含水量以50%~70%最佳,土壤相对含水量过低是组培苗生长的主要障碍。基质以细沙土较适。透光度应大于50%。组培苗鲜重应不小于0.8 g。驯化周期应不少于1周年。
In order to investigate the suitable acclimation environmental conditions for the tissue culture seedlings of Lycoris, Lycoris ‘Tao Hong’ was used as the research material, and the relative soil water content and matrix ratio were used to conduct a single factor experiment to domesticate the tissue culture seedlings, and then the leaf and bulb biomass were measured. The results showed that 50%~70% of the relative soil water content was the best, and low relative soil water content was the main obstacle to the growth of tissue culture seedlings. Fine sand soil was the more suitable soil. The light transmittance should be greater than 50%. The fresh weight of tissue culture plantlet should be no less than 0.8 g. The domestication period should not be less than one year.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences